Jenn Fieldhack is a Nutritionist and Whole Food Nut who wants to help others overcome the hurdles to eating healthy.
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Excuse #5 Don’t know what to buy
I actually love this excuse as there is nothing more fun (to me) than sharing all of the healthy options that are available to you!
After we do the Kitchen Cleanse in Step #2, we tackle what to replace it with in Step #4 Healthy Food Swap.
Then you take what you've learned in Step #3 Grocery Store Guidance and go to the store with confidence and healthy conviction.
In my 8 Step Nutrition Program, we discuss how to read food labels, review the best areas of the store to target, how to prepare before leaving, and provide you with a list of healthy whole foods to find.
So you can conquer that excuse like a boss when you head out to the grocery store and take ownership of your health.

Conquering Crap with Kids
Kudos to this mom for taking an active role in changing the way her family eats! She gets the kids involved, leads by example and is a great role model for them. They read food labels now and enjoy eating healthier.